Exclusive NIE/Sergeant crammer sessions free for Police Oracle subscribers
Delivered by Police Revision - the leading provider of promotion examination officer support - the first session goes live on January 22.
Police Revision, in conjunction with Police Oracle are pleased to offer a series of free online crammer sessions in 2025 to assist you in your preparation for the upcoming examinations. Our sessions are completely free to attend and focus on key sections of the curriculum that are covered in the investigators, sergeants and inspectors examinations.
The sessions offer a new way of learning, moving away from the industry standard ‘hot topics’ which have often left candidates with knowledge gaps in the examination. Our expert tutors work through visually stimulating presentations, adopting the Police Revision ethos by breaking the curriculum down into easy to understand bitesize learning. We extract key information, that is easily retainable, understanding that crammer sessions offer an opportunity for a faster, more concise way of revising.
Each crammer is carefully crafted to be deliberately unique depending on the subject matter being taught. For example, in our ambitious crammer around property offences we cover all associated offences, focusing on areas that often trip up candidates. The sexual offences crammer session outlines the importance of knowing ages and case law, which are key areas in getting high grades in those questions.
Police Revision is a leading provider of e-learning for police examinations, we are continuously adapting our product and delivery to keep it engaging and up to date for all of the candidates and forces that we work with. Our success rates are high because of this and our crammer courses reflect the care that we put into our product. Our continuing aim is for candidates to achieve they best they can and are privileged to be part of your learning journey within the police.
Exclusive NIE/Sergeant Crammer Sessions – Free for Police Oracle Subscribers
Job of the week
Senior Police Advisor – Detective Superintendent (or substantive Detective Chief Inspector on supported temporary promotion) – Secondment to Home Office Science Innovation Technology Delivery team
- Home Office (Science & Technology)
- SIT Delivery team is based in London and the postholder will be required to regularly travel to London. The SIT Delivery team follow the Civil Service in committing to at least 60% of the working week in the workplace, with the remainder working an agile working model, utilising IT to maintain team contact. The postholder may work from their local force area where there isn’t a necessity to travel.
- Detective Superintenden
The Science Innovation Technology (SIT) Delivery team forms part of the Home Office Science Directorate. As the Senior Police Adviser, you will supervise a small, dispersed team of Police and operational advisors. The advisor team provide a vital link between SIT Delivery and key Home Office law enforcement stakeholders and delivery partners, including the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL). You will achieve this by advising the SIT Delivery team, stakeholders and partners on strategic and operational policing and security requirements. You will develop and leverage close working relationships with senior policing bodies and their representatives, overseas law enforcement agencies and other government departments as well as stakeholders within industry and academia.
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