BWV company to form ethics panel to influence product development

This new Axon Ethics and Equity Advisory Council, made up of nine community leaders and academics, will help ensure that minority communities are considered in the development of new technology.
Category: Innovation
Tags: ACPOChief InspectorChief SuperintendentCivilianEx-PoliceInspectorPC/DCPCSOPolice OfficerPolice StaffSergeantSpecial ConstableSuperintendent
Job of the week
NaVCIS Ports Field Intelligence Development Officer

- Port of Tilbury (London), Leslie Ford House, Tilbury, Essex RM18 7EH
- Scale 6 £32,247 - £34,329
We are looking for an experienced and motivated individual to join us as Field Intelligence officers, within a national policing unit working to ensure safer communities in the UK and around the world.
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